
Nancy Sylvester
Parliamentary Procedure Services
I offer a wide range of Professional Parliamentary Procedure Services including acting as a Professional Parliamentarian, Consultant, Parliamentarian, Strategic Planning Facilitator, Board of Directors Trainer, Training Specialist and Professional Speaker.
As a Professional Parliamentarian, I can help assure that your convention, membership meeting, board meeting, or stockholder meeting is conducted smoothly and efficiently.
As a consultant, I can advise the presiding officer, the organization, and the individual members on the application of parliamentary procedure for the orderly conduct of the business.
As a parliamentarian, I can assist the organization in any of the following ways:
Convention Parliamentarian
Bylaws Consultant
Bylaws Amendment or Revision Author
Advisor to the Officers and Board of Directors
Opinion Writing
Expert Witness
Professional Presiding Officer
Trainer in Parliamentary Procedure
Presiding Officer Trainer
Election Supervision
Strategic Problem Solving Consultant
You are always welcome to contact me if you have a need not addressed here or a question regarding my services.
To learn more about Parliamentary Procedure and how it can help your organization be sure to visit my bookstore.
Training Services
As a Training Specialist specializing in Team Building, Leadership, Communication Skills, and Meeting Facilitation, I can help your organization understand, apply, and improve these skills. A common mistake made in the business world is the assumption that an employee who is accomplished in his or her field will make a great leader. Or that a good employee in a command and control environment will know how to handle empowerment and team decision making. Or that an employee who has always been rewarded for working as an individual will know how to engage in team problem solving. In reality, these are all skills which are unique and varied as other business skills, and need to be learned. The highly interactive training that I conduct can be general in nature or can be customized to the specific needs of your organization. I have devised a unique method of adaptation of my programs to the distinctive needs of the trainees. I work with teams at all levels in the organization, but specialize in executive team training. I also work with executives as a coach. One-on-one work with executives can make a enormous difference in their effectiveness.
In this country we treat boardsmanship very similar to the way we treat parenting: we assume if you know how to become one, you know how to be a good one. Not so! Actually, the very skills that probably helped you become selected to be on the board are the very skills that will prevent you from becoming a great board member. As a Training Specialist focusing on Board Training, I can help your organization by training your board on conducting better board meetings, understanding the responsibility of the board membership, including the fiduciary responsibility, understanding the appropriate relationship between the board and the staff, and working as an effective board team. I have been traveling throughout the country as a board trainer since the mid 90’s and have worked with boards of all sizes. I would love the chance to help your board become more effective.
As a Strategic Planning Facilitator, I can help your organization design a strategic plan that will be supported throughout the organization. I specialize in working with teams throughout the organization in developing the plan so that the ownership of the plan is widespread throughout the organization. I organize the whole process so that your people can continue with the day-to-day operations of the company. I can guide your organization in producing a practical and useful document and help strengthen your team through the process.
You are always welcome to contact me if you have a need not addressed here or a question regarding my services.
Speaker Services
As a Professional Speaker, I can help your organization by educating and motivating through a customized speech that is designed to meet the needs of the particular occasion and client. A few of the subjects I have presented speeches on include:
Living the Values of the Organization
Ethical use of Parliamentary Procedure
Meeting management
Making Meetings Work for You
Meetings without Migraines
Parliamentary Procedure
Board of Directors
Board—Staff Relationship
Board Responsibilities
Facilitation Skills
Problem Solving Tools
Total Communication
Listening Skills
Public Speaking Tips
Oral Presentation Skills
Non-verbal Communication
Interpersonal Communication
Understanding Teams
Group Dynamics
Dealing with Difficult People
Diagnosis: Teamwork
How to Maintain the Team Momentum
Understanding Change
Change Management
Time Management
You are always welcome to contact me if you have a need not addressed here or a question regarding my services.